Tag: The Eritail Show

  • Be-Do-Have: Make 2025 The Year

    In this brand new episode of The Eritail Show, King Benson recommends the principle of Be-Do-Have as a powerful formula for achieving any type of goal you set for yourself. This program is for you if personal or financial success is your goal, or you just want to start 2025 on a happier and more…

  • What is Self Publishing, Really?

    King Benson dives into the internet hype around self-publishing in this new episode of The Eritail Show. King’s no-holds-barred talking style is more pronounced in this fast-paced minimalist show where he busts some authors’ bubbles on what it means to be a truly self-published author. Watch out if you’re a self-published author! It may be…

  • Part B – Dependent Publisher or Independent Publisher: What’s the Difference?

    Join King Benson in this second segment of this new episode where he challenges the status quo of self-publishing with his own in-depth understanding of business and investing. King Benson starts with a brief history of how the publishing landscape has changed starting from 2011 when he first joined the industry to its current status…

  • Part A – Dependent Publisher or Independent Publisher: What’s the Difference?

    Join King Benson in this first segment of this new episode where he challenges the status quo of self-publishing with his own in-depth understanding of business and investing. King Benson starts with a brief history of how the publishing landscape has changed starting from 2011 when he first joined the industry to its current status…

  • The Age Of Authorship

    In this first episode of The Eritail Show, King Benson shares his opinion on who can be, and what it takes to be a self-publisher. King reveals why so many self-publishers fail and what you need to focus on if you want to win. King is utterly convinced that self-publishing is the future. He makes…