Part B – Dependent Publisher or Independent Publisher: What’s the Difference?

Join King Benson in this second segment of this new episode where he challenges the status quo of self-publishing with his own in-depth understanding of business and investing.

King Benson starts with a brief history of how the publishing landscape has changed starting from 2011 when he first joined the industry to its current status today in 2024.

King also shares his personal experiences of self-publishing with SmashWords and Draft2Digital for more than a decade, and the lessons he learned along the way.

King has an alarming message for authors who are self-publishing on other people’s platforms, whom he calls outside investors and dependent publishers. He explains why self-publishing success will elude most self-published authors, and he points out what self-publishers and self-published authors should watch out for if they don’t want to lose control of their publishing businesses.


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